FIXT is a Foodservice focused business intelligence provider, we are the experts in creating sales growth through fact based market intelligence. With a solid technology and a deep understanding of the Foodservice industry FIXT has achieved a leadership position in the Foodservice business intelligence market.
FIXT is a trusted third party to which all players in the industry can safely provide their data to get back enriched, effective business intelligence and market reports.
The FIXT Team

Matthieu Geze // CEO & Co-Founder
Matthieu is a recognized foodservice expert, having worked for a long time for food manufacturers in Europe and the USA. He advises manufacturers’ board members on their sales strategy and is recognized as one of the most advanced experts on US foodservice business intelligence. He has a Bachelor in International Finance from the European Business School (Brussels, Belgium), and is a DePaul University (Chicago) MBA graduate in strategic management.

Benoit Pigeon // CTO & Co-Founder
Benoit is a business intelligence technology expert. He is a recognized expert of dematerialized value and a graduate of the French Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics Engineering School and has a Master in IT Technologies at Ecole Telecom Paristech (Paris, France). He is the former IT technical director at Institute Pasteur, Paris. He has been teaching technology Master-level classes at University Sorbonne for the past 7 years. He is regarded by our customers in Europe as the expert of big data management and cognitive data model.

Yann Denoual // CFO & Co-Founder
Yann is a strategy consultant who has worked in major European Strategy Consulting Arkwright and Estin & Co before creating Tilbury. He is a HEC School of Management graduate with a specialty in Marketing, and Institute d’Etude Politique (Paris) graduate. Leveraging his background in the best consulting practices in Europe, Yann has developed the consulting activities of Tilbury. He is the former representative of HEC in all the matters of e-learning in the European Community implementation. Yann has edited two books on the emerging technologies and social networks and has been a featured speaker in several Universities and Chamber of Commerce events.